Concept portfolio WeProfit cover

Weprofit - The software development marketplace

Kategorie /

Brand experience

Kunde /


Leistungen /

Brand identity and positioning

Research and brand strategy

Visual identity and motion design

Digital design

Brand guidelines

Über das Projekt

Weprofit is an interesting startup (well, all the startups we work with are interesting, that’s why we choose to work with them). Basically, their digital marketplace matches enterprise customers with the right software developers for their business needs. So, how do you create a brand identity or a logo for a company that uses technology to develop a marketplace?

Concept portfolio WeProfit logo icon
Concept portfolio WeProfit logo clearspace
Concept portfolio WeProfit colors
Concept portfolio WeProfit banner horizontal
Concept portfolio WeProfit business card regular
Concept portfolio WeProfit banner vertical
Concept portfolio WeProfit pin
Concept portfolio WeProfit hoodie front
Concept portfolio WeProfit office interior
Concept portfolio WeProfit duck tape
Concept portfolio WeProfit rollup banners
Concept portfolio WeProfit business card embossed
Concept portfolio WeProfit hoodies back
Concept portfolio WeProfit hoodie front
Concept portfolio WeProfit social media instagram

the result

They say you can’t take the coder out of the code…or the code out of the coder…ah whatever, we’re not paid to come up with creative one-liners. The point is, we figured, “hey, since they’ve coded their own algorithm to build their own marketplace, why not just go with that?” And to our surprise, they liked our idea. So that’s what we’ve got now. Look, all our brand developments are brilliant, so of course this one is too. But what makes this one really interesting is how clever the small things are: the “i” in Weprofit wordmark provides a visual point of reference to what this company is all about. We think it’s a nice, if subtle nod to the company’s roots as software developers. This distorted “i” also serves as the standalone logo as seen in the tab icon.


Anginé, Creative Director

Anna, Graphic Designer

Raf, Interaction Designer

Mariam, Graphic Designer

Sofia, Project Manager