
netwokx - For a Bright Future

Kategorie /

Brand experience

Kunde /


Leistungen /

Brand identity and positioning

Research and brand strategy

Visual identity

Brand guidelines

Visual communication assets

Über das Projekt

We collaborated with NetworkX to establish a vibrant and distinctive brand identity for their platform, Leveraging the power of illustrations and visual communication, we created a design system that not only captured the essence of their mission but also made their platform visually engaging and approachable.

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Concept Portfolio networkx icon construction
Concept Portfolio networkx logo clearspace
Concept Portfolio networkx color palette
Concept Portfolio networkx stationery
Concept Portfolio networkx bc
Concept Portfolio networkx stickers
NewtorkX Doors2
Concept Portfolio networkx t-shirt
Concept Portfolio networkx banner

the result

By using illustrations and visual communication as the foundation of the branding, NetworkX established itself as a forward-thinking, approachable platform. The result was a visually striking and emotionally resonant brand that resonated with its audience, enhanced user engagement, and set the stage for growth in a competitive market. This project highlights our commitment to blending creativity and strategy to bring brands to life.


Anginé Pramzian, Creative Director

Anna Babujyan, Graphic Designer

Anna Hamamjyan, Motion Designer

Hrach Martirosyan, Development Team Lead

Mher Sargsyan, Front-end Developer

Karlen Nersisyan, Front-end Developer

Mher Ghalumyan, Back-end Developer

Arman Antonyan, QA