kerpak poster5-min

Kerpak - good food wherever you are

Kategorie /

Brand experience

Kunde /


Leistungen /

Brand identity and positioning

Visual identity

Packaging design

Packaging design

Über das Projekt

With a goal to disrupt outdated and expensive traditional vending machines. KerPak provides a brand-advanced, smoothly optimized experience for retailers. KerPak's smart refrigerators are an easy-to-install integrated shopping system for cafes, hotels, supermarkets, and all food producers of all sizes. Translated to Armenian, the name KerPak is derived from two words: food (ker) and pack (pak).

Concept portfolio Kerpak business card
Concept portfolio Kerpak 01
Concept portfolio Kerpak 03
Concept portfolio Kerpak 12
Concept Portfolio Kerpak App 06
Concept portfolio Kerpak 08
Concept portfolio Kerpak 06
Concept portfolio Kerpak
Concept portfolio Kerpak
Concept portfolio Kerpak 13
Concept Portfolio Kerpak
Concept Portfolio Kerpak
Concept Portfolio Kerpak App 01
Concept portfolio Kerpak 10

the result

Our designers illustrated WiFi lines on KerPak's logo, which indicates a communication symbol, as with the help of mobile application, one can find the fridges' locations anytime and anywhere. The logo itself looks like a map, which is pictured in a black square. In comparison with the logo, the fridge contains mixtures of turquoise, blue and pink colors, which gives a friendly look to the smart fridges.


Hovig, Art Director

Arpine, Account Manager

Sofia, Project Manager

Anna, Graphic Designer

Raf, Interactive Designer