Easy Eat - Smart Food Made Easy
Kategorie /
Brand experience
Kunde /
Leistungen /
Brand identity and positioning
Visual identity
Packaging design
Brand guidelines
Über das Projekt
Easy Eat is a provider of unique vending machines in food industry with the aim to ease people’s live with high-quality food closer than ever. The main idea is of the company is to place vending machines in numerous places, where people can find ready-made lunches, salads and deserts without leaving their workplace or home too far. Our team helped Easy Eat to create a complete brand identity, design the vending machines, branded packages and other important brand attributes.

the result
Easy Eat colors were not chosen by accident as they contain primarily the green color indicating the healthy lifestyle behind the brand. The logo includes a smile, which transmits a friendly mood.
Hovig, Art Director
Arpiné, Account Manager
Mariam, Graphic Designer
Sofia, Project Manager