Autohacker portfolio header

Auto Hacker - The Fastest way

Kategorie /

Brand experience

Kunde /

Auto Hacker

Leistungen /

Brand identity and positioning

Research and brand strategy

Visual identity

Brand guidelines

Visual communication assets

Über das Projekt

Autohacker came to us with a mission: revolutionize the automobile dealership market with a brand that’s as fast, reliable, and innovative as the vehicles they sell. They needed an identity that captured their promise of speed and efficiency while resonating with car enthusiasts and first-time buyers alike. At Concept Studio, we took the wheel and delivered: Logo design, visual identity and brand voice.

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the result

The result? Autohacker’s new identity has transformed their presence in the automobile market. Customers now recognize them as the trusted, go-to destination for finding their perfect vehicle quickly and efficiently. The seamless integration of bold visuals and a clear brand message has not only increased customer engagement but also solidified their position as a market leader. Autohacker is accelerating into the future with a brand that truly embodies their promise—The Fastest Way.


Anginé Pramzian, Creative Director

Samvel Vanyan, Account Manager

Gor Muradyan, Graphic Designer